Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm a Slacker Blogger but....

....I'm also 11 lbs lighter than I was when I started this journey in June! I feel really good. I've lost every week so far although some losses have been small like this week's 0.8. Honestly I've yet to be 100% OP but I'm doing most of it well and I guess every little change adds up.

Today my cardio dance instructor was a half hour late due to car trouble. I assumed he'd just teach a shorter class so I ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes and then took the class which ended up being an hour long. I'll be sore tommorrow. I haven't run in long time.

Today's WW meeting addressed why WW should not be treated as a "diet" and we discussed all the benefits of giving up our self-destructive behaviors. It all makes so much sense but I just know how I get when I REALLY want something I don't have the points for. I still have to find better ways to distract myself.

I'm so nervous about my upcoming job interview. It almost helps to be doing WW right now as that is something I really can control while other things are so up in the air. I hope for a super good WI next week to feel empowered somehow before interviewing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another lb gone and 5%

I lost another lb today. WW website recognizes this as my 5% body weight loss but as for my meetings I have another 0.2 to go. I'm not one to put off celebrating anything so I decided to take myself to the Clinique counter today and celebrate 5% with some new makeup to play with.

Last night I watched "What Not To Wear". One had an episode with a woman who was shopping after a 30 lb weight loss. I can't wait to experience that once I make goal. I have a way to go. For now makeup is fun because it doesn't matter what size you are. I went to bed early last night so not to go over points before WI. I was so hungry all night that I had trouble sleeping. I'm having a hungry day today which is not good as I'm going out to dinner tonight and should be saving points for that.

3 years ago tonight I got engaged. How is it that 3 years could go by so unbelieveably fast? In that time we've gotten married, went to Hawaii for HM, Jamaica for 1st anniversary, bought our dream house and sold our old (DH's) house. I'm hoping the next year or 2 stays calm and relatively uneventful and finds me at goal and us out of debt with increased savings.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New #s and less points

So I'm out of the 170s decade now. Barely but still....

I lowered my points target from 26 to 23 today. One was for the weight loss into a new decade of #s (yay for the surprise 2 lb loss) and the other 2 points I lowered because work has been frighteningly slow so I'm not walking around as much. Should I have a busy day I figure I'll allow myself 25 points if I REALLY feel like I need that and my WPA and APs are gone. I'm one of those who uses everything I'm entitled to.

I posted my new stats publicly on the WW boards. I feel very out of it there these days as I'm there so sporatically and often cannot follow what is going on with everyone. I figure I'll at least stick around when I can as I lose this weight.

I feel better already when I'm exercising now. I didn't think I was doing badly before but I feel like I'm moving much better even though I've only lost 7.8 lbs and I've got so much more to go. I haven't needed to use my inhaler as much either.

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's gone!

Old house was officially sold today. I'm more relieved than I thought I would be. Now I can finally start really focusing on and enjoying this house.

It was sad to go back for the last time on Saturday. I think I'm over it now though.

I have not been so great OP with being off from work and too many July 4th festivities. Tonight we are going out to celebrate the house sale. Back OP tomorrow and I'll be facing the scale on Saturday.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bye Bye Old House

So the closing for DH's house is Monday at 10 AM. We've waited for this for so long. It will be nice to have only one house with one set of bills.

Although it is costing us dearly to sell we upgraded both our area and our home a great deal. I love, love, LOVE where we live now and don't ever plan to move again. We did get an amazing deal on our present home. Still it's sad for me to see this one go. So many memories - I remember going there when DH and I first started dating. I went to a party he had and remember being so nervous because I knew no one and barely knew him at that point. The first real kiss was there as well as the first time DTD. I remember being there after I became engaged at a nearby restaurant. I remember being there when we got ready for our wedding together totally ruining the "don't see each other before" thing when my BP came late, the photographer was in the driveway and I was in my PJs. Both DH and BFF had to help me into my dress fast. It all worked out though and made for some great memories. Our first night married was in that house.

I also remember hosting various holidays there. My cat Licorice died in that house last June and was buried in the back yard. We also found my cat Purl as a stray kitten in that same backyard. I always called Licorice "The best cat in the whole world" and now I call Purl the same. I lost an extra special cat and gained one in my 2 years living there.

I plan to officially "say goodbye to the house" briefly on Saturday. I need to focus on the future. That area is going down fast with what has happened with the economy. Tons of foreclosures. I won't miss the loud rap music or knowing that someone was shot and killed 3 houses down last month. There was also another nearby murder last May which is what prompted us to look at houses in safer neighborhoods.

I'm thinking I tend to hold onto things too long and maybe live in the past a little too much?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reminder to self: Eat only when you are hungry

So I lost 0.6 today at WI. 5.8 lbs total loss. Should have been more of a loss but I let myself go over points later in the week mostly due to work stress.

I shouldn't let work get to me so much. Thing is I always saw myself as a career kind of girl. I'm realizing now I'm really just stuck in a job as opposed to a career with nowhere to go. I'm wishing I could do better for myself but I don't know what the right career is. I also can't help feeling I'm too old to make major changes. Really are student loans a good thing to start at age 40?

I always knew I wouldn't have kids somehow and in a way I'm even surprised (pleasantly so) that I'm married. I figured this would free me up to really make something of my life career wise. I feel as clueless as most high school seniors do but without youth on my side.

I hope I find a rewarding career path for myself someday soon. If not I hope I can learn to be okay with just being my clueless self.

I'm hoping as I find my best body under all this fat I'll also find my true desires and abilities. Time will tell.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I got a Star today!

My first 5 lb star since rejoining WW. So I've lost 5.2 lbs in 2 weeks. Not bad. I try not to think about how far I have to go. I hope to be at goal by May of 2010 which is when I'm aiming for DH and I to be rid of all debt besides mortgage (with some savings although not as much as I'd like).

Although both goals are different they both require sacrificing immediate gratification to live better in the long term. I need to avoid buying unneccessary things (wants versus needs) as well as avoid eating things that I don' t need. I've learned that I can be much more active on much less food. Even if I do get a little hungry it isn't the end of the world. It's slightly uncomfortable as is being tired but I survive. I wouldn't let it get to the point where I'm shaky but I don't pass out or become unable to function when I'm hungry. I'm " just hungry" like being "just tired". Life goes on...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've been drowning but I think I found something to grab onto

So...I've been living in a personal hell for a while now.

Work is a whole set of problems but I guess I'm lucky I still have a job in this economy. DH has to take 42K out of his 401K to sell his house. That sucks but I guess the good thing is that we are living in our dream home/neighborhood now. We were able to put 20% down and lock in a rate of 4.25% so I guess that makes up for what we are dealing with on the selling side. The amount of foreclosures in the area we are selling has really driven down the prices.

It's funny that I feel thin at the weight that I am now. I think I lost another 1-2 lbs this week. Will know for sure on Saturday. As much as the rest of life can get so out of control I still really can control what I eat and gain physical/emotional strength from the exercise I do.

DH and I tend to bicker about financial concerns. We need to stop that.

I had more to say but I'm exhausted and have to get up at 5 AM for work. I guess the important part is that getting control of my health will help me deal with my life.

I'll hopefully post more over the weekend.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not sure where to start...I've journaled before but never written anything for the world to see.

Okay so here goes...I'm on a mission to lose 50 lbs with Weight Watchers. 50 lbs for me is a long shot. It's somewhat low in my healthy weight range. I just like the number 50 and in my first meeting on 6/6/09 I watched someone get recognized for losing 50 lbs with a magnet or whatever she got. Silly as those little things are they work for me. I wanted to be that person with the 50 lb weight loss and I wanted that damn magnet.

This week I lost 3.2 lbs. I wasn't 100% OP. I was way better with snacking. Mostly because my job moved me to a new crazy office 3 days a week. I work my ass off and either have no time to eat or I'm too nervous to do so. I have mixed feelings about the new office. Love the new co-workers and the setting is so much more professional but I have a nasty commute - 23 miles each way during rush hour. I was also told I had to do this instead of being asked. No compensation of any sort despite me spending more money on gas and more of my time. Nice way to be treated after 14 years of dedicated service.

Anyway back to Weight Watchers. Now that I've managed snacking I have to learn how to control restaurants and wine drinking. Really even from a financial standpoint we shouldn't be eating out so much. From a health standpoint I need to learn how to follow the Weight Watchers healthy guideline that states that a woman should only have one alcoholic beverage a day. Wine and restaurants relax me. Sadly nothing else does as much. I need a way to relax that is not related to food and/or drinking.

I took a dance class today with an instructor that told me directly that he's seen I've gained weight. I've taken classes with him for 2 and a half years. Honestly I think I move quite well for someone my size (currently 5'4" and 173.8 lbs). It's hard to have the confidence to dance in a class where the instructor has already made notice of my size being unhealthily overweight. I've switched from the front row to the second and switched to the side of the room where I can make a beeline for the door after class and therefore can't be addressed by any instructor anymore. The opinions of others should not affect me as much as they do but I guess I've always been sensitive.

Well I said enough for someone who didn't know how to start. Must try to get some sleep soon for another crazy work week.